Current Version Recommendations
Last Updated: 17 October 2023
Below are the gory details, but for those in a hurry, here are the recommended versions of the software photographers use.
Lightroom Classic (LrC)
Photoshop (Ps)
2023 (24.7)
Ventura (13.6)
10 22H2 or 11 22H2
Software Updates Status
I know, I know. That little red circle telling you there is an update to your software is SCREAMING at you. You have to press the button and update. Trust me, I get it.
However, if you are a photographer who 100% relies upon your computer and your software for your business to function - a photographer who simply can't have any bumps in the road - resist that urge. Let us "settlers" who will push that button as soon as Apple, Adobe, and Microsoft provide updates take those arrows (if there are any) .
I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that you have updated your software as soon as updates are available and have NEVER had a problem. You are lucky and you didn't even know it. Software is so complicated these days and the testing the software companies is doing frequently ends up not being enough.
I hear from photographers almost every single day who tell me that they have heard me share this advice and thought it wouldn't happen to them and then share very sad stories about how an update killed their productivity and made them miss expectations with clients.
I don't want that to be you. Below is information where I maintain my recommendation on when photographers should update their software. My educated opinion comes from my own testing, testing from other "settlers", and watching the support forums. When an update seems to be having very few issues and is ready for general use it gets my Photo Taco "🌮Seal of Approval🌮".
Don't install this release, install the newer update that fixes the issues of this one.
Based on my own testing, the testing of others I follow, and/or what I am seeing the support forums the release is not ready for general use and photographers would be wise to hold out. EVERY new update gets this status for at least 2 weeks following a release.
Looks pretty clear in general but photographers who simply CANNOT AFFORD any downtime should hold off.
🌮Seal of Approval🌮
Good to go! Doesn't mean you are guaranteed to not have problems, that simply can never happen, but it should be pretty safe for every photography to update.
Adobe Lightroom Classic
Last Updated: 17 Oct 2023
Release Date
*The catalog is upgraded with this version so you can't go back to the previous version unless you want to restore your catalog and lose any work done under the new version.
Adobe Photoshop
Last Updated: 17 Oct 2023
Release Date
*If you choose to upgrade Lightroom Classic to version 12, update Photoshop to at least version 24.0.
Apple macOS
Last Updated: 17 October 2023
Release Date
*Most photographers are now using Ventura without issue. Though there have been a lot of issues with external hard drives being slow (solution seems to be booting up with external drive connected)
Microsoft Windows
Last Updated: 17 October 2023
Release Date
10 (1903)
May 2019
🌮Seal of Approval🌮
10 (1809)
March 2019
🌮Seal of Approval🌮