An illustrated guide of how to set up your Canon ID, your camera, your computer, and your phone to use the service.
How To Add Google Licensing Information To Your Photos In Lightroom Classic
An illustrated, step-by-step guide to adding the 5 fields Google requires in order to show licensing information for photos in Google Images Search
Fire Full Moon – How I Shot The Moon With A Foreground
View PostPhotographer’s Guide To Screen Calibration With DisplayCal
A guide of how photographers can do their first screen calibration using DisplayCal software without having to be an expert in color management.
Is It Safe To Delete Lightroom Previews.lrdata?
Yes, it is safe photographers to delete the Lightroom Previews.lrdata file on Mac / folder on Windows. However, Lightroom Classic won’t be able to accurately show you what your photos look like with the adjustments you have made in the Library module. Solve both of those problems by building Standard Previews for the images you are editing.
Slash The Import Time Of Lightroom Classic By 90%!
Learn how to use the embedded preview workflow with Lightroom Classic to slash 90% off the time to import raw files!
How To Move A Lightroom Catalog To an SSD
Moving your Lightroom Classic catalog from a slow, spinning drive to an SSD will improve performance and it is pretty simple to do.
Photographer’s Checklist For Sharper Photos
A checklist of things to work on if your photos don’t seem like they are as sharp as you would like
How To Do Water Droplet Photography With Don Komarechka
Learn how to do stunning water droplet photography from Don Komarechka, one of the world’s leading experts in macro photography!
Taking the Intimidation Out of Photoshop With Aaron Nace
Jeff and Aaron Nace provide 7 steps photographers can use to take the intimidation out of Photoshop so that it can become the tool they need to achieve their creative vision.